Haunted Mansion Wiki

KEL TU 005 is a comic published in 2013 on tumblr by Kelly Green.


Ezra is cowering atop a tombstone (marked "Epitaph In Progess") from an enthusiastic dog who is trying to play with him.

Author's Comment[]

“Here’s a quick, lazily-made something where I demonstrate how seldom I draw dogs. It’s based on this cute little video that I found the other day (it’s not too weird to draw other people’s pets is it?).”

Tag Sentence[]

“Float, you dork!”


  • As noted in the "Author's Comment", this comic was based on a youtube video called Missy and the Hitchhiking Ghost which featured a Mansion fan called Mike Myers' dog, Missy, trying to bite an Ezra doll that Myers had gotten for Christmas.